Built for extreme unstructured environments.
OffWorld robots pave the future by working collectively to maximize the customer-defined key performance indicators in mining operations.

We care about our home planet.
The mining industry is a material contributor to global carbon emissions, but we are helping reduce that by offering smart robots that produce a zero-mining carbon footprint.

One-size equipment does not fit all projects.
Our robots are modular and customizable. They use advanced controls and artificial intelligence with tailored hard rock-cutting tools and configurations that suit the specific needs of the excavation profile resulting in the world’s first autonomous laparoscopic mining system.
Resource scarcity and quality are some of the biggest challenges in the mining industry today.
There are fewer high-quality ore deposits left to develop. New deposits exist mostly in remote and difficult-to-access areas. Mining has never been a more vital industry with growing demand and our rugged robots are a solution to this limitation.

Applications in various industries.
We are designing a robotic platform with a broad set of environments, industries, and tasks in mind.